About Us

About Us

Pacific Coast Resources Corporation forms an important link in the agriculture resource chain by connecting fertilizer manufacturers to primary and secondary markets and by offering AG retailers a wide choice of crop nutrients at competitive prices. We handle a full line of agricultural grade fertilizers, micronutrients and industrial chemicals, but pride ourselves most on the strong and lasting relationships that we’ve built over 38 years in business. Pacific Coast Resources has business partnerships with most of North America’s major fertilizer manufactures and retail dealers. Our nationwide web of friendships allows us to provide the most important AG commodity of all: Timely market information.

Pacific Coast Resources is:

  • Relationship Driven
  • Experienced and Dependable
  • Market Orientated
  • A Vital Link in the Agricultural Supply Chain

In it for the Long Run

For 40 years Pacific Coast Resources Corporation has been supplying plant nutrients to the Western United States. Our staff of life long agriculture professionals allows us to be responsive to market fluctuations yet experienced enough to differentiate between short-term price swings and actual market trends. We are interested in building long-term business relationships, not in meeting short-term sales quotas. Pacific Coast Resources is in it for the long run.

Built on Service

From market research, to assuring that your railcar arrives on time; our business is built on service. At Pacific Coast Resources making the deal is just midway through the service cycle. We constantly monitor truck and rail shipments, expediting as needed, to assure that deliveries are made on time. Our mission is to satisfy the needs of our customers by providing the best service possible.

Pacific Coast Resources:

  • Brings the world market to you
  • Gives you the power to choose products, suppliers and markets
  • Saves you time and money
  • Provides quick and economical transportation solutions

Our Most Valuable Commodity: Information

Knowing one’s market has always been important in agriculture, but in today’s rapidly changing global economy, an in-depth and up-to-date understanding of the marketplace is vital. At Pacific Coast Resources we rely on a nationwide web of industry relationships and our many years of agribusiness expertise to help us keep informed, so that together, we can meet tomorrow’s challenges today.